Research with PExA awarded at ERS2024

PExA AB (publ) (“PExA” or “the Company”) announces that one of the scientific papers based on results from the use of PExA’s technology has won an award at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) congress in Vienna. The award winner, Jeong-Lim Kim, a researcher at the Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the Sahlgrenska Academy, received the prestigious award for her work titled “Phospholipid composition of the respiratory tract lining fluid (RTLF) in subjects with Asthma and COPD.”

On September 6th, PExA announced its participation at the ERS congress, where five scientific papers based on the use of PExA’s technology were accepted into the scientific program. During the congress, one of these papers received a recognition for best submitted abstract in its research field. The award, “Excellence Grant in Clinical Physiology and Exercise,” was sponsored by MGC Diagnostics.

The award-winning research was conducted by Jeong-Lim Kim at the Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg/Sahlgrenska University Hospital, in collaboration with researchers from Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Lund University, and Uppsala University.

By utilizing PExA’s unique sampling method, the composition of key lipids (fat molecules) from the innermost and most inaccessible parts of the lungs has been compared between individuals with asthma, COPD, and healthy subjects.

The researchers conclude that these results contribute to the development of new diagnostic methods necessary to distinguish between diseases such as asthma and COPD, and they provide new insights into the biological processes leading to respiratory diseases.

Tomas Gustafsson, CEO of PExA, comments:

  • We congratulate Jeong-Lim Kim and her co-authors on the award and can confirm that interest in studying the small airways, where lung diseases often start and develop before they are detected, is steadily increasing. We look forward to continued results and collaboration with researchers and clinicians to improve the future diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases.

Jeong-Lim Kim at the award ceremony at the ERS2024 in Vienna.

Jeong-Lim Kim together with co-author Spela Kokelj standing in front of the awarded poster in PExAs booth at the ERS2024.

For further information, please contact:

Tomas Gustafsson, Email:

About PExA AB:

PExA AB (556956-9246) has developed the PExA 2.1, a patented research instrument that helps researchers intelligently collect biological samples from the smallest airways through a simple exhalation maneuver. PExA’s technology is currently used by prominent research groups in several different countries and research with the instrument has resulted in approximately 50 scientific publications, which serve as reference material for PExA’s method. The company’s long-term goal is to market and sell diagnostic instruments for popular diseases (e.g. lung cancer and COPD) to be used globally for diagnosis or general screening at facilities where care is offered. The company intends at the time it is relevant to sell to clinics to have developed more patient-friendly, flexible and commercial products, which means that PExA addresses a significantly wider market, which today includes several million patients globally.

PExA’s B share is listed on the Spotlight Stock Market.