Thank you for visiting PExA at the

Respiratory Innovation Summit and the ATS 2024.

Below you could explore more about Non-Invasive Distal Airway Liquid Biopsy.
PExA 2.1 is a research instrument used in a broad range of research fields where proteomic-, lipidiomic- and miRNA-patterns are studied within e.g.:
  • Lung Cancer
  • COPD
  • Asthma
  • Post Covid
  •  Occupational Health
  •  Pharma Industry
  •  Pulmonary Embolism


Selection of addition information below, also visit our webpage,

Click to read a recent review article describing PExA

Click to explore a slide deck describing PExA

Link to PExA Scientific Articles

Also welcome to visit our Booth #1028 in the San Diego Convention Center