Thank you all visitors at ATS2024 in San Diego May 17-22!
We are proud that PExA was selected as Featured Company at the Respiratory Innovation Summit.
Check our invitation to the ATS2024, RIS2024 and to a Late Breaking Abstract from The Karolinska Institute describing miRNA detection in PEx-samples.
PExA develops and commercializes a unique technology aimed for the discovery of early biomarkers in the field of respiratory medicine.
We offer a non-invasive method for sampling of Respiratory Tract Lining Fluid (RTLF) originating from human’s most distal airways, providing new possibilities for the development of more accurate diagnostics and effective drugs.

How PExA works
The method is like a blood sample for lungs, however it is not invasive. Lung diseases often begin with pathological changes in the small airways, but there is currently no non-invasive, user-friendly technology to measure the status in these sections of the lungs.
Small droplets, or particles, that arise when small airways close and re-open, are collected from the exhaled air and sampled by impaction. The method open-ups for quantitative and reproducible measurements of changes in the composition of the lining fluid from small airways in respiratory disease.
Product & Services
PExA provides a research instrument for lung research centres within the health services, in academia and in pharmaceutical companies, all of whom are currently actively looking for biomarkers.
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